Kids These Days need us to Make Words Matter for good
Kids These Days need us to Make Words Matter for good
Ep119: Teaching Integrity to Children: From Little White Lies to Hard Truths
Crossover episode! Are you weary of those little white lies that your child is perpetually spinning? Relax, you're not alone, and we've got you covered in our enlightening chat on teaching integrity to kids. Join me, psychologist Beth Trammell, and Leslie Bolser from Core Essential Values as we unpack this tricky terrain. We delve into why kids lie, the importance of planting seeds of truth-telling, and why patience, not anger, is key to nurturing honesty. We assure you, it's a developmental phase, not a lifetime sentence.
But we're not just talking about the little ones. We broaden our conversation to include older kids, acknowledging that lying doesn't vanish as they grow; in fact, the stakes often get higher. We explore the potency of words and the criticality of crafting an ethical framework around them. Glean from our personal experiences and practical advice on how to react when your kid hits you with a hard truth. By the end of this enlightening episode, you'll be inspired and equipped to face the challenge of teaching integrity to your children, regardless of their age.